Fleetwood mac live 1982 us fest
Fleetwood mac live 1982 us fest

fleetwood mac live 1982 us fest

It pulled 425,000 people in total across the three days, despite sluggish pre-fest ticket sales. It was like the Foreigner-led Summer Strut, held two months earlier at the Big A, or one of Ontario's two California Jams (in '74 and '78) expanded to a long weekend. Pieced together by Bay Area legend Bill Graham, the talent amassed played out like several stadium concerts crammed together. Bill Graham - a legend in his own lifetime It also served as Ticketmaster's entry into the Southern California market.

fleetwood mac live 1982 us fest

Sparing absolutely no expense, Wozniak aimed to bring together many of the top artists of the day, segregated by genre new wave, heavy metal, traditional rock, and enhanced by cutting-edge innovation, including one of the first uses of jumbo video screens at a concert. Wozniak, then 32 and on leave from the budding computer giant after a plane crash left him shaken and unable to form memories for half a year (useful if you don't want to remember how much money you lost putting in a festival!), spent 18 months and $13 million (!!) preparing what he dubbed "the Super Bowl of rock." He intended it as a unifying antidote to the just-ended Me Decade - Us not Me - a benevolent we-are-the-world uprising evident in the event's name and furthered via satellite links to the Soviet Union during each fest. Steve Wosniak wearing unpleasant, possibly dangerous trousers at Us Festival 1983 with Stevie Nicks, who's had a perm. The "Us Festival" kicked off under scorching conditions on September 3, 1982. In 1982, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak hatched an ambitious and very expensive musical plan and committed a sizeable chunk of his sizeable fortune to a musical event, billed as the biggest thing since Woodstock, Wozniak staged a three-day concert in the mountains of San Bernardino County, in Southern California, that featured some of the day's biggest names in music.

Fleetwood mac live 1982 us fest